15. Embrace diversity and inclusion - The Will To Change
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15. Embrace diversity and inclusion

Embrace Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity increases our collective power to generate higher quality outcomes than homogeneous groups can ever achieve.

Professor Katherine Phillips, Associate Dean of Columbia Business School, found in a large scale research study, that diverse groups generate higher quality solutions to complex problems compared to homogeneous groups.


Our hard-wired tendency is to feel more comfortable with people who are like us, and who share our background.


To embrace diversity we must counter this hard-wired tendency, and go out of our natural way to get to know, trust,  and become comfortable with people who are different from us.


Next, we have to deliberately build teams that include the broadest range of individuals available to us.


Embracing diversity and inclusion:


Here are a few tips for creating a culture of diversity and inclusion:


1. First gather your team for a candid discussion on the topic of diversity and inclusion, how important it is to your team, and why.


2. Educate yourself and your team on the various aspects of diversity and inclusion, and the possible impact on your organization.


3. Once you and your team have decided to embrace diversity and inclusion, develop a detailed plan on what you want to achieve, how, and by when. Note that it may be an on-going effort, but it should have distinct milestones.


4. At every opportunity, make a deliberate effort to meet, get to know, and develop professional relationships with people who are from a different background.


5. Make a distinct effort to create teams that are as diverse as possible.


6. Monitor the quality of the outcomes that your organization produces as a results of your diversity and inclusion efforts.



a.   What industry captains and leadership luminaries are saying about the merits of diversity and inclusion.


b.   How to develop a culture of diversity and inclusion.


c.   How to implement a diversity and inclusion program in your organization.

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