Seek An Accountability Partner - The Will To Change
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Seek An Accountability Partner

Module 9 of The Willpower Program

Seek An Accountability Partner

An Accountability Partner is someone whom you trust and respect. Someone with whom you feel you can be open. Someone who has your interests at heart and is willing to support you in your quest to achieving your goal.




A survey conducted at Brigham Young University in 1993 showed that students who worked with an Accountability Partner had a 95% likelihood of achieving their goals compared with a 15% likelihood for students who pursued their goal without an Accountability Partner.


Practice Guidelines:


To practice this intervention, select a person who fits your criteria for a good Accountability Partner. An Accountability Partner can be a family member, a friend, a mentor, or a professional coach. The main advantage of working with a professional coach is that the relationship is completely professional and does not involve any personal overtones.


Once you have selected your Accountability Partner discuss with him / her the goal that you want to pursue and the manner in which you’d like him / her to support you.


Write in your Change Journal your experiences of working with your Accountability Partner and the impact that this relationship is having on your ability to achieve your goal.

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