Practice Mindfulness Meditation - The Will To Change
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Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Module 3 of The Willpower Program

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is the ability to be in the present moment, experiencing and accepting it for what it is with little judgment or emotional attachment.


Over the past 20 years Mindfulness Meditation has gained enormous popularity in the West.

The benefits of Mindfulness Meditation include reduced anxiety and irritability; improved ability to connect with one’s intuition; inner guidance, and the ability to handle life’s challenges more rationally and calmly.




Neuroscientists have shown that the brains of long term meditators such as Buddhist Monks are more densely connected than the brains of non-meditators. Doran Josipovic, Adjunct Professor at New York University, found that Buddhist Monks experience a reduced activity in the areas of the brain which generate the unproductive brain chatter. Additionally, neuroscientists have shown that novice meditators can also benefit from mindfulness meditation after as little as 8 weeks of daily meditation.


Practice Guidelines:


We recommend that you adopt a Daily Mindfulness Practice. You should practice Mindfulness Meditation for 30 minutes each day. Be persistent and do not give up. You will start noticing the benefits after approximately 8 weeks.


Two examples of free Mindfulness Meditation programs are:

Jon Kabat-Zinn Free Mindfulness Program

UCLA Free Guided Mindfulness Meditation

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