Develop Your Willpower Muscle - The Will To Change
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Develop Your Willpower Muscle

Module 2 of The Willpower Program

Develop Your Willpower Muscle

Willpower is like a muscle. The more we exercise it, the more capable it becomes. Neuroscience research has shown that consistently practicing one or more of the interventions below, will result in a larger and better connected area of the brain that supports our willpower.


The five interventions below will help you boost your Willpower Muscle:


1. Nutrition
2. Exercise
3. Stress management
4. Sleep
5. Willpower Practice


The First four interventions are described in our Wellness Program. Click here to read more.




Professor Roy Baumeister of Florida State University, conducted extensive research showing that frequently flexing your Willpower Muscle will help you develop a stronger, more capable, and more resilient willpower.


A study by Mark Muraven of the University of Albany, showed that participants who practiced self-control exercises, were able to perform much better in subsequent tests that required high cognitive skills.


Practice Guidelines:


To flex your willpower muscle, choose 2 or 3 simple new routines that you are likely to conquer and habitualize. Practice them at every opportunity for at least 8 weeks until they become fully automatic behaviors. Then select new routines to work on. Examples include: moving the computer mouse to the non-dominant hand; brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand; adopting a new time saving routine; or adopting a new daily planning routine.

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