Connect With Your Future Self - The Will To Change
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Connect With Your Future Self

Module 7 of The Willpower Program

Connect With Your Future Self

This intervention involves developing a “relationship” with your future-self, getting to know “him / her”, and over time developing affection and caring for your future-self.




Researchers have found that people who connect with their future-self are more likely to take care of their current-self and become more well-balanced healthier individuals in body and mind. For example, Hal Hershfield of the Kellogg School of Business has shown that study participants who interacted with an age-progressed image of themselves, allocated a higher proportion of their money to retirement savings, compared to participants who did not interact with their future-self.


Practice Guidelines:


To practice this intervention start corresponding with your future-self at least once per week. Get to know him / her as if he / she were a new-found friend. Ask your future-self questions about his / her life, state of health, friends, activities, and interests. Write back the responses from your future-self as you imagine yourself to be 40 or 50 years from now. Strive to develop a caring relationship with your future-self.


Periodically write your experiences, thoughts, and emotions evoked by your interaction with your future-self in your Change Journal.

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