Additions To Your Diet - The Will To Change
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Additions To Your Diet

Module 4 of The Holistic Wellness Program

Additions To Your Diet

A healthy diet should include flavor and richness. This means adding healthy fats (which provide depth and texture to our food), healthy seasonings, and just the right amount of sweetness!


1) Choose healthy fats. Choose olive oil, avocado, olives, nuts and seeds. Avocado oil has a high smoking point and is an excellent choice for high heat cooking. Coconut in moderation also seems to be a good choice.


2) Spice it up. Spices and herbs have multiple health benefits and are loaded with antioxidants. Choose from spices such as ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, rosemary, saffron. Use spices as a salt substitute.


3) Minimize sweet and choose your treats wisely.


a. Try honey and maple syrup instead of sugar.


b. Use stevia when you can- it is a safe, zero calorie natural sweetener.


c. Experiment with alcohol sugars such as xylitol and erythretol as sugar substitutes.


d. Avoid artificial sweeteners which have been associated with multiple adverse effects as well as an increase in obesity.


e. For a healthy treat, try high cocoa content chocolate (minimum 80%).

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