Welcome to your Leadership Assessment Questionnaire.
Please complete the questions below as honestly as you can.
It is useful to ask yourself: "How would 10 or 20 of my colleagues answer this question about me?"
Please choose a score between 1 and 5, where 5 is the best or highest score.
Recommendation: To get an even better perspective on your Leadership Qualities, we recommend that you ask a few of your colleagues to do the assessment for you. In that case, please send them the link and ask them to enter your First and Last Name in the appropriate field.
Who are you doing the assessment for?If you are doing a self-assessment, please enter your First and Last Name.If you are doing it for someone else, enter the First and Last Name of that person.
I communicate with impact in writing and verbally. My communication is clear, succinct, and assertive. My communication results in my desired outcome(s).
I always listen attentively. I always seek to understand before seeking to be understood.
I am a life-long learner. I spend at least 4 hour per week reading books or professional magazines, listening to webinars, listening to TED Talks or You Tube professional presentations, etc.
I am a humble person. I demonstrate my humility at work and with friends. I am not arrogant. I am not afraid to say: "I do not know the answer to this question".
I have great presence. I always draw attention when I enter the room, even before I speak.
I always respect the people I work with, my professional colleagues, my friends, and my family. I always treat people the way I want to be treated.
I am very self-confident. I am always sure of myself. I am not afraid to share my views, even with people more senior or more knowledgeable than me. I am not afraid to make difficult decisions. I never feel like an impostor, or like a person that does not belong.
I am a good team leader. I always motivate and inspire my team to produce great outcomes. I always create a safe environment for my team, where everyone feels they can express their ideas, even if they are different than my ideas.
I am politically savvy. I have close relationships with the senior people in my company. I am considered an influencer and a go-to person in my flied.
I am always self-aware of my emotions, and I can control them to produce the best outcome in every situation.
I am always aware of the emotions of others, what drives them to react positively, and what drives them to respond defensively or aggressively. And I am always able to interact with others in ways that produces the best outcomes.
I always pursue my long term goals with, grit, passion, and perseverance. I never give up on my long term goals, even in the face of adversity or temporary setback.
I always embrace change initiatives in my company. I do not resist change. I drive my own change initiatives, where appropriate.
I am a critical thinker. I always consider the "whole picture" including the short term and long term, and the intended and unintended consequences. I always consider different options to achieve the desired outcome(s), each with its pros and cons.
I always focus on outcomes and results that are aligned with the overall objectives of my project and my company. I always drive actions (my own and my team's) that produce high quality deliverables and resolve critical issues.
I am organized, effective, and efficient. I always deliver on my commitments. I always prioritize the important things first. I stay on top of my action items and issues. I know how to say "NO" where appropriate.
I have an extensive network of stakeholders, and I invest in expanding and maintaining my network inside and outside the company.
I have influential and experienced advocates and mentors inside and outside my company, who guide me and advocate for me.
I am highly competitive. I strive to do the best I can every day.
I always strive to generate creative and innovative solutions that embrace new out-of-the-box concepts and technologies.
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